It all happens around the dinner table
All these works are original paintings. Prices vary per painting depending on material and size. As an indication: A4 size starts at €185 and goes up from there. Please email me for more information.
lobster lunch

Late summer birthday

Broodje knak


Sorry, this seat is taken by my bouillabaise

Messy Dinner Night

Late summer lunch
The floor is lemons


When the night got a little blurry

Corn & Poppies

Sausages and Cigarettes

Still life 1

I'll have another one

Dom Rodrigo's

Keep swirling, baby

One Portion to Share

Some clams are spicy

One shrimp cocktail with extra shrimp please

Night at the Italian

Burnt cassoulet never stopped us from having fun

Still Life 2
Crayfish & corn